Delhi World Public School Etmadpur has initiated on campus residential facilities. Currently open to boys only, the boarding, houses male students in a dormitory setup. To keep a smooth sailing, we have a housekeeping staff and a dedicated team of wardens, to make sure the needs of our hostelers are duly met with. The rooms are spacious, well-ventilated, equipped with contemporary facilities and amenities that deliver hygienic, stress-free living conditions that cater to an all-round growth and development of the students. The hostel mess is led by highly experienced catering professionals, preparing well-balanced, nutritious meals in a hygienic kitchen. The mess also offers catering services to our day boarders. The boarding also constitutes of a community study room, a recreation room and offers an intramural sports complex, wherein the boarders can play cricket, football, basketball, lawn tennis and can choose from a multitude of other sports and games. With the inception of our residential facilities, we aim at fostering growth – intellectual, social, interpersonal and intrapersonal through the atmosphere that prevails on the campus. We also envision to stimulate skills in leadership, sociability, group living and team spirit through planned hostel activities.
- Please read all the hostel rules and regulations properly before filling the hostel admission form.
- Fill in all the entries neatly and do not leave any column blank. Only those who secure more than 60 percent marks in their final examination may apply for hostel accommodation.
- The form must be accompanied by four passport-size photographs of the student.
- Incomplete forms will be rejected.
- Application for admission to hostel shall be made in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Administrative Office. Admission to the hostel and allotment of rooms is entirely at the discretion of the Head Warden.
- Students must occupy the rooms allotted to them and should not change rooms without prior permission from the Hostel Authorities. Students may be shifted from one room to another without assigning any reason by the Deputy Warden.
- Any kind of disfiguring of hostel property is strictly prohibited and noncompliance shall be fined heavily. The same encompasses;
- Removal of Hostel Furniture from one room to another under any circumstances. Students are responsible for the care of furniture and fittings in their respective rooms.
- Students should not paste any posters/pictures etc. on the walls, doors, windows and shelves or indulge in other disfigurement of similar nature.
- A stern fine of Rs.500/- will be collected from defaulters for disfiguring the common rooms or damaging the public property of hostel blocks, in addition to the replacement cost.
- Students should keep the toilets and bathrooms clean; we have a dedicated staff of janitors and caretakers in place but keeping the dignity of the said staff should be a moral obligation for the students.
- Students are not allowed to use extra electrical fitting in their rooms unless permitted by the Hostel Authorities. Residents are also instructed to switch off the lights and fans when they go out of the rooms, to save electricity.
- For the sake of their own dignity and of the institution that they represent; all boarders should be dressed according to the occasion and decently at all times. They should strictly adhere to the school dress code when in school. Peers should strictly not wear slippers and informal clothes to the hostel mess such as shorts and/or clothes of similar nature. The dining area is a formal setting, please treat it as such.
- Mess hours are compulsory and boarders are expected not to skip meals unless in case of sickness wherein they’re supposed to inform the mess in charge. Unwell boarders can avail sick meals in their rooms but informing the mess in-charge beforehand is mandatory so as to make provisions for a sick meal.
- Violations of the aforementioned rules shall be strictly dealt with and may result in the Expulsion of the student concerned from the hostel. The hostel shall also be personally inspected by the Deputy Warden and other authorities regularly, hence all residents will be subjected to sever disciplinary action must they fail to adhere to the same.
- This inaugural venture aims at providing Boarding and Day Boardingfacilities. Wherein the Boarding is open for classes IV to XII and Day Boarding facilities for classes L.K.G. to XII respectively. The Boarding is segregated in Class-wise dormitories, wherein students from the same Class/Age group can dorm together.
- The boarding provides mess facilities, which includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. With provision for Mid-Morning snacks and an evening high tea. The mess provides sick meals and in-room dining strictly in case of sickness, the mess hours are otherwise compulsory for all. All meals are freshly prepared, with a fresh produce keeping in mind the nutritional requirements of boarders.
- 24/7 surveillance via the installation of audio-video CCTV cameras at entrances of all hostels and foyer inside the campus. Along with security guards with set patrol posts at the school’s surrounding lookout points and around the campus to build a security network, to maintain the protection level and monitor students’ movement.
- A custom-built Study Room that is spacious, well-lit and well equipped with other amenities that allow the students to maximize attention, minimize distractions and make the best out of prep hours.
- A recreation room wherein the students can watch TV and indulge in other fun and frolicking activities; all in the duration of allotted hours.
- We also have a State-of-the-art sports complex that boasts of a:
- Basketball Court
- Lawn Tennis Court
- Football Field; among a plethora of other outdoor sports and a gymnasium.
- A dedicated indoor games room comprising of games like chess, table tennis etc.
- The boarding also has a tuck and stationery shop.
- The Institute provides swift medical attention and facilities and has an Infirmary under the care of a medical officer and a nurse, well-equipped with medical equipment. The school also has an alliance with F H Medical College & Hospital in case the peer may need to seek medical services of grave nature.
- All leaves whether an outing or otherwise. shall have to be sanctioned by the Warden prior to the actual day of the outing. Obtaining an out-pass prior to the outing is mandatory. Boarders are allowed outings every Sunday under the supervision of the respective in-charge. Students are expected to be back in the campus by 5 PM.
- In compliance with our Zero Tolerance towards Ragging policywe have a dedicated ‘Anti-Ragging cum Grievance Redressal Cell’ wherein the students can report any complaints/inconveniences of any nature whatsoever to the head of the cell.
- Boarders are expected to bring all relevant clothing, including night wear among other essential clothing items. They must have a pair of slippers, a pair of sport shoes. They must carry their own personal towels, bedding (2 bed sheets; 2 pillow covers; a comforter or as per their own needs)
- They must have some essential crockery items, including a plate, spoons, a tumbler or a mug. Even though the boarding has a tuck and stationery shop, the boarders are expected to come prepared well in advance with all supplies of similar nature. The same goes for medicines, the boarders are expected to bring their prescribed medication for any pre-existing conditions and any such conditions are to be disclosed to the authorities in advance, must the boarder need medical attention for the same.
- All boarders must bring at least two pairs of lock and key, to lock their allotted cupboards and to keep their private and valuable items safe.
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Under the aegis of Delhi World Foundation
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